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──Apr 17 , 2022Stability control of CSM construction groove wall and corresponding measures

csmStability control of construction groove wall and corresponding measures

Groove wall stability is the most important task in diaphragm wall construction. According to the characteristics of the project, the following technical measures are formulated for the key points affecting the groove wall stability.

1According to the relevant technical requirements, combined with the previous construction experience, the slurry level in the trough section should be higher than the groundwater level1.5mLeft and right to effectively control groundwater head. The top surface of the guide wall is required to be higher than the groundwater level when making the guide wall in this project1.5m, if the local height difference is insufficient, the measures of increasing mud gravity or precipitation can be taken.

2, mud control

Fresh mud mix Fresh mud mix

High quality mud materials are used to prepare mud. This project will use high quality bentonite produced in Weifang, Shandong province, so that the mud has good physical and chemical stability.

Use mud separation equipment. If the mud sand content rate is relatively large in the trough construction project, that is, the sand content rate>8%When the mud is recovered in the tank, the sand particles need to be separated by mud separation equipment.

3, construction load control

In the process of slot formation, the disturbance of large machinery on the edge of the slot is controlled as much as possible, and the object stacking condition on the edge of the slot is strictly controlled, so as to minimize the influence of external construction load on the stability of the groove wall.


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