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I at the scene

Quality management: Details determine success or failure
17 Dec

Quality management: Details determine success or failure

A support is about to be installed, and workers are using pneumatic wrenches to tighten the bolts that support the cover plate. The installation of each support ends with this. "Details determine success or failure", only handle every detail, to ensure construction safety and engineering quality.

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Site standard: guardrail - the protection of workers
17 Dec

Site standard: guardrail - the protection of workers

The operator is carefully installing the guardrail. In the subsequent construction operations, when the operators focus on their work, the guardrail will act as a protective god, providing the most basic guarantee for their safety. In this way, operators can always adhere to the "strong in the stronger, better on the better" spirit of enterprise, dedicated to the construction work.

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Site standardization: no small things in the work
17 Dec

Site standardization: no small things in the work

The crawler crane driver is carefully operating the crane for lifting operations. In Shanghai Qiangqiang, more than 800 employees work in a variety of jobs. Each job plays a very important role in the development of the company. As two points in Shanghai's strong corporate culture: "not simple" concept, can do simple things every day is "not simple"; The concept of "not easy" means that it is "not easy" to be able to do very conscientiously what is generally acknowledged to be very easy. No matter what position they are in, no matter what job they are dealing with, all employees of Shanghai Strong can be conscientious and conscientious.

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  • 400-100-2850
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    Pile foundation engineering Foundation pit engineering Above water foundation treatment Land foundation treatment