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Steel support, cast-IN pile, MIXING pile: Deqing International Exhibition Center (Phase II) project

The area of the project38751㎡; Construction area of69150㎡; Building height23.55m; Foundation pit enclosure area30452㎡; Total perimeter of foundation pit847m. The foundation pit project adopts the construction scheme combining bored pile, steel support, three-axis cement mixing pile, bite pile, soil nail wall and other technologies.

Type of Project:Foundation pit engineering

Project Information:Covers an area of38751㎡; Construction area of69150㎡; Building height23.55m; Foundation pit enclosure area30452㎡; Total perimeter of foundation pit847m.

Start time:2020years9month

Project Address:Deqing Geographic Information Town International Exhibition Center is located in Deqing County, Huzhou City.

Project Introduction:The exhibition center is a supporting project of the United Nations World Geographic Information Congress. It is divided into east and west parts. The east part is a single-storey column-free exhibition hall, and the west part is a three-storey exhibition hall with two column-free exhibition halls and eight conference rooms.

Considering the geological conditions of the engineering site, the depth of foundation pit excavation, the surrounding environment and the existing engineering experience, the foundation pit engineering is adoptedBored pile,Steel support, triaxial cement mixing pile, Occlusal pile, soil nail wall and other technology combined construction scheme.


Shanghai Qiangqiang Foundation Engineering Co., Ltd. has completed more than 1,000 projects in the fields of housing construction, underground space, subway, railway, highway, bridge, tunnel, airport, sea reclamation, and so on. Hundreds of projects it has participated in have won the "Luban Award of China Construction Engineering" or the "Magnolia Award of Shanghai Construction Engineering".Contact Number: 400-100-2850

Keywords: Occlusal pile

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  • No. 289, Huixian Road, Jiading District, Shanghai
  • 400-100-2850
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  • Type of Project:
    Pile foundation engineering Foundation pit engineering Above water foundation treatment Land foundation treatment