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18 May

Foundation pit Project: Wuhan Chengkai Huanli Project

Foundation pit Project: Wuhan Chengkai Huanli Project

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18 May

Foundation pit Project: Jingzhou Wuyue Square

Foundation pit Project: Jingzhou Wuyue Square

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18 May

Foundation pit project: Hongda Central Square

Foundation pit project: Hongda Central Square

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18 May

SMW construction method: Wuhan Second Ring Line Hankou section underground passage

SMW construction method: Wuhan Second Ring Line Hankou section underground passage

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18 May

SMW construction method + foundation reinforcement: Jiangxi section of Wenming East River Crossing Project

SMW construction method + foundation reinforcement: Jiangxi section of Wenming East River Crossing Project & NBSP;

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17 May

More cases in Jiangsu

Click to see more cases of Shanghai Strong Jiangsu region

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10 May

Pile foundation project: Foshan Longxi Waterfront Garden Project

Pile foundation project: Foshan Longxi Waterfront Garden Project

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10 May

Prestressed fish-belly foundation pit steel support: Foshan Hongyu Building Project

Prestressed fish-belly foundation pit steel support: Foshan Hongyu Building Project

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10 May

Stiffening pile: Foshan Nanhai Wanda Plaza

Stiffening pile: Foshan Nanhai Wanda Plaza

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10 May

Cement-soil mixing pile: Shantou Suai channel project

Cement-soil mixing pile: Shantou Suai channel project

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  • No. 289, Huixian Road, Jiading District, Shanghai
  • 400-100-2850
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  • Type of Project:
    Pile foundation engineering Foundation pit engineering Above water foundation treatment Land foundation treatment